
Mitsubishi Regional Jet MRJ

MRJ test model

     Mitsubishi Regional Jet is the second airplane that is made in Japan after the World War Second, and it also the newest commercial regional airplane in Japan.
Regional airplane is the small airplane for domestic commuter airlines.
In recent years, Bombardier from Canada and Embraer from Brasil create a monopoly of the market of the airplane so Mitsubishi wanted to join and oust the market.
     MRJ has many new technologies so MRJ can reduce about 20% of fossil fuel and green house gases.


Nihon aircraft manufacturing Corporation (日本航空機製造) YS-11

     YS-11 is the first commercial airplane which was made in Japan after the World War Second. Right after the war, the General HeadQuaters (GHQ) and the government of United States prohibited all things about to make and study airplanes from 1945 to 1952 because United States was afraid of Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter and aerospace engineering ability of Japan during the war. 
Under such things, engineers dreamed to make new airplane, and they made YS-11. YS-11 was designed by five engineers, and all of them designed many fighter airplanes during the war. Of cause, Horikoshi Jiro who designed A6M Zero fighter participated the team to make YS-11. 

 the test model of YS-11

In resent years, most YS-11 have already retired because it has fly for about 50 years. However, Japan Self Air Defense Force is using the airplane as a person transportation airplane now. 


Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey

V-22 Osprey (helicopter mode)

     V-22 Osprey is the newest military transport airplane in the world, and it has a special ability that all airplanes have never had. Generally speaking, V-22 Osprey is an airplane. However, to be exact, V-22 is not an airplane, and it is also not a helicopter. Sometimes V-22 can fly as an airplane, and sometimes it can fly as a helicopter. Thus, V-22 can fly without any runways and fly fast as a normal airplane. 

V-22 Osprey (airplane mode)

On the other hand, because of these abilities, V-22 becomes one of the most difficult airplane to control. Now, V-22 is used by United States Marine, United States Air Force, and Japan Grand Self Defense Force. 



Lockheed F-22 Rapter

F-22A Raptor

     F-22A Raptor is a first 5th generation fighter plane in this world, and it also the strongest fighter plane, too. F-22 is a fighter plane which was made by Lockheed Martin in the United States, and first flight in 1997. F-22 has very good ability about air-to-air fight, dog-fight, and any other missions. However, the cost of F-22 becomes very high so the government of the United States have bought about 180 only, and the United States government has not sell the airplane any other countries.


Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter

Zero Fighter type 22

     Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter is one of the most famous fighter plane in Japan. The plane was a naval fighter plane of Imperial Japanese Navy at World War Second. Zero Fighter is called "Reshiki Kanjyo Sentouki (零式艦上戦闘機)" in Japanese, and it was one of the best fighter plane at the beginning of 1940s. 

type 52

     Zero Fighter did the first flight on March 16 in 1939 at Kagamihara Japan, and the Japanese Navy used this plane until the end of the war on August 15 in 1945. When Zero Fighter first fight with enemies, many people did not believe the spec of Zero Fighter because Zero Fighter was very strong and had high spec. For example, at that time, all fighter planes in the world could fly about 500km. However, Zero Fighter could fly about 3500km. The family of Zero Fighter consists of six airplanes that are type 21, 32, 22, 52, 53/63, and 54/64. 


Work cited and special thanks
靖国神社 遊就館


Airbus A380


     Airbus A380 is one of the largest commercial airplane in the world. This is the first four engines airplane from Airbus. For a long time, most of all large airplanes are made by Boeing so Airbus wanted to change such a thing. A380 is only one all double deck commercial airplane in the world. In addition, A380 can carry up to 835 peoples by one flight. However, because of the too huge size, many airlines do not use this airplane. As a result, Airbus has a hard time to sell the airplane. The Boeing company also makes B747-8 which has four engines, and The Boeing company also has a hard time to sell it.




Airbus A350

     Airbus A350 is also one of the newest airplane that is made by "Airbus S.A.S" from Europe. The reason of made A350 by Airbus is to fight with Boeing B787 because B787 has much special points, and Airbus did not have any airplane to fight with B787. A350 family consists of A350-800, A350-900, and A350-1000. A350 also consists of about 50 percents by carbon fiber so the spec is really similar to B787.

From this figure, the cruising speed of A350 and B787 are totally same. In addition, most specs of these two airplane families are similar.

works cited
"Airbus S.A.S" www.airbus.com
"The Boeing Company" www.boeing.com