
Airbus A380


     Airbus A380 is one of the largest commercial airplane in the world. This is the first four engines airplane from Airbus. For a long time, most of all large airplanes are made by Boeing so Airbus wanted to change such a thing. A380 is only one all double deck commercial airplane in the world. In addition, A380 can carry up to 835 peoples by one flight. However, because of the too huge size, many airlines do not use this airplane. As a result, Airbus has a hard time to sell the airplane. The Boeing company also makes B747-8 which has four engines, and The Boeing company also has a hard time to sell it.



1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Takuto,
    It is really fun to read your blog! I love airplanes but I know nothing about them! lol I'm such an amateur about planes so until very recently, I never realized that Airbus and Boeing were the companies that make those airplanes. I thought that those are different type of vehicles or something... I guess that time is kind of sifted to eco or green thinking so I wonder why they made so big airplanes.
