
Boeing B787

     Boeing B787 "Dreamliner" is one of the newest commercial airplane in the world. The airplane was made by The Boeing Company and first flighted in the United States. When The Boeing Company designed and made B787 family that consists of B787-8 ,B787-9, and B787-10, the company used a lot of new technologies that people have never used for commercial airplanes so B787 family become completely different from current airplanes.

     About 50 percents of B787 family's body consists of carbon fiber so B787's weight becomes lighter than current airplanes. Because of this thing and new huge engines, B787 can cut about 20 percents of fuel costs from current other airplanes. In addition, because of carbon fiber, B787 can keep higher moisture atmosphere pressure than current airplanes.

works cited
"The Boeing Company" www.boeing.com
"All Nippon Airways" www.ana.co.jp

1 件のコメント:

  1. This is a really cool blog! Both of my parents work for the airlines so i have always been very interested in airplanes, but I have never really researched them. It will be interesting to learn more about them! I look forward to reading more of your blogs!
