
Airbus A350

     Airbus A350 is also one of the newest airplane that is made by "Airbus S.A.S" from Europe. The reason of made A350 by Airbus is to fight with Boeing B787 because B787 has much special points, and Airbus did not have any airplane to fight with B787. A350 family consists of A350-800, A350-900, and A350-1000. A350 also consists of about 50 percents by carbon fiber so the spec is really similar to B787.

From this figure, the cruising speed of A350 and B787 are totally same. In addition, most specs of these two airplane families are similar.

works cited
"Airbus S.A.S" www.airbus.com
"The Boeing Company" www.boeing.com

1 件のコメント:

  1. Wow! You really do love airplanes! Could I ask how and when you fell in love with airplanes? Are you planning to be a pilot or do you just really enjoy researching airplanes? Do you build airplane models and collect them as well? Sorry for all the questions but it's amazing how much you know about airplanes.
    Thank you for your posts...very interesting and informative!
